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Funny Fuzzy Reviews

Funny Fuzzy Reviews

Getting a Good Laugh with Reviews

Reviews are nothing new for everything from movies to electronics to local businesses. People expect to read reviews and some even look them up before making any sort of decision. A good review is a useful tool for both customers and businesses.

A good review provides information that someone on the outside cannot otherwise obtain. This is especially true of local businesses. A good online review can also show potential customers what kind of experience they can expect when they use a particular business.

Some reviews are just plain funny. Whether intentionally or not, some reviews can make a reader laugh out loud. What makes these reviews funny may be the length of the review, the tone in which it was written, or even the topic of the review.

Reviews that are Too Long

Unless you are writing an in-depth review of a major purchase or service you used, a review does not need to be several paragraphs long. A reader can only take in so much information in just a few sentences.

A review that is too long will make a person lose interest and they may never finish reading what you wrote. People do not want to spend hours or even minutes reading through a long review when you could have condensed everything into a few sentences.

Reviews are meant to provide quick information to people who may not know your experience with whatever you are writing about.

Reviews with the Wrong Tone

A reader can tell when you are not sincere in a review. A good review is written in a conversational tone. Do not try to be too formal or use big words to impress the reader.

A reader wants to know your honest opinion, not hear you try to be someone you are not. A good review is also objective and not subjective.

Subjective reviews tend to focus only on the negative or the positive of an experience. Objective reviews take into account both sides of the experience and give the reader a more well-rounded look at whatever you are reviewing.

Reviews on Unusual Topics

A review does not always have to be about a product or service. Some people take to the review format to make a humorous point or review something that people would not expect to see a review on.

People have reviewed everything from their pets to their family members to even their own lives. The trick is to find a way to make your review funny and engaging.

It does not matter what you decide to review, keep it short and sweet, write in a conversational tone, and make it objective instead of subjective.

Funny Fuzzy Reviews
